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Welcome, I'm Daria!

I’m a women's holistic health coach, heart led business coach, yoga instructor, world traveler, content creator, and plant-based chef guiding women in reconnecting to their body through movement, food, and self awareness.


My mission is to empower, educate, and inspire women to cultivate a healthy loving relationship with their body and food to feel confident, safe, loved, and empowered. I guide others in taking radical responsibility and ownership of their life, health, and finances. We work together to transmute the pain through intuitive eating, mindful movement, breath-work/ meditation, connecting to nature, and eliminating toxins.


For years, I struggled with addictions, anxiety, anemia, acid reflux, digestive and bladder issues, OCD, and depression brought on by my poor lifestyle choices, self-destructive behaviors, and unhealed childhood trauma. Never feeling good enough or truly beautiful. At age 14, I had an extreme case of Scoliosis that was inhibiting my day-to-day. I was bullied for my weight and appearance. I had spinal fusion on my entire spine - 2 titanium rods, 20 some screws, lost 20 lbs, and gained 3 inches in height. This experience was the channel to truly loving and connecting with my body on a psycho-neurosomatic level.

This childhood trauma shattered my sense of safety and ability to cope with stress. I repressed this trauma, a common coping mechanism, which led me to a cycle of shame, unworthiness, and a lack of self esteem. It led to body shaming, an eating disorder, Trichotillomania (hair pulling), Dermatillomania (skin picking), unhealthy sex, antidepressants, Adderall, nicotine, alcohol, and an abusive relationship.

The path was extremely dark, numbing, shameful, and comfortable. I became broke in college from my addictions, ignorance, stress, and stubbornness. I found myself in therapy because I was swallowing pills in hopes of a relief and a perfect body, smoking the pain away, eating my feelings of not being seen and heard, and keeping myself captive in an unhealthy cycle of a relationship. This was my rock bottom.


After being so tired of suffering, playing victim, and unhealthy coping, I woke up that was time to take full ownership of my finances and heal the natural way. I discovered my passion for yoga, meditation, herbs, and became mindful of what I was putting in and on my body through working with health brands and sitting with plant medicine. As I did this, I discovered the body has the ability to heal itself naturally through food, movement, emotions, habits, consumption, and words that dictate our lifestyle. By reprogramming deep subconscious rooted beliefs, patterns, and stories by not repressing the symptom but through getting to the root cause.


I'm a multi-passionate mystic sacred medicine woman who loves yoga, cooking, sustainable fashion, travel, herbs, permaculture, nature, and low-toxin living. Many of my passions around consuming whole foods stem from family, tradition, and culture. From the time I was 6 years old, I would visit my grandparents in Poland every summer. They built a garden that I would indulge in. My summers were spent nurturing the garden, learning about food, and connecting to natures gifts.

Additionally, my father and uncle Fred owned a Persian Mediterranean restaurant called Fandango for 25 years in Sarasota, Florida. As I was exploring the beautiful sea of Puerto Rico on May 17, 2017 I got a call that my uncle passed away in his sleep due to chronic stress, addiction, and poor lifestyle choices. His passion for serving others through food as medicine is the guide to my mission. He is a sacred soul.


The first step to healing is learning about our food and self awareness around the mind-body connection.

We heal the world by healing ourselves


My love, it's time to come home to your body

Green Leaf Close Up

"How do you get free? Feed people

How do you get enlightened? Serve people"
~ Ram Dass

The Meaning of Sacred Souls

The seed of life are the 7 overlapping circles. The middle circle signifies the body, the top circles being the ethereal realms, and the bottom signifying the physical realms. The 7 circles reflect the 7 days of creation. The lesson taught from the seed of life is health, the interconnectedness with all life, and how we are birthed whole; health being our birthright. We are all dictators and creators to our own reality and destiny. We are able to unlock our fullest potential/version of ourselves through balancing our health, mind, body, and soul while at the same time remembering we are all connected, equal, and one

The blooming flower that you see in the picture - behind the green triangle, exemplifies the beginning of a journey. From bacteria, cells, to the stars, there is always a beginning for everything. This is where the journey begins through reconnecting to our childhood, body, and senses

I blended the heart chakra Anahata on top. I began this journey, business, brand at a very low point in my life (being in an abusive relationship) where this specific chakra needed healing the most. I needed community and a deeper sense of meaning. Anahata allows us to recognize and get in tune with the sacred and fundamental truth that runs through all of life and connects everything together. It means living your life with loving kindness and compassion towards others

It's main meanings are compassion, empathy, forgiveness, acceptance, transformation, change, center of awareness, and ability to grieve and reach peace. It means that your heart is open to others and you inspire kindness and compassion in others. You create safe and supportive environments so that others can feel love and warm along with unconditional acceptance to feel at peace with no judgment

This then ties into the Third Eye. I incorporated this because during the time of the creation, I was moving through a new age state of enlightenment to my healing. By you being here, we are as a COLLECTIVE. When we awaken to our ancestral evolution, lifestyles, traumas, and patterns passed down from generations - we experience awareness and the ability to break the cycle. To become conscious consumers, we then are able to align with our truest-most authentic self and path


This is our awakening.



  • Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Sciences from University of South Florida, Tampa

  • Sales Certification from University of South Florida, Tampa

  • Yoga Teacher Training Certification - 200 hours from Vida Asana, Costa Rica

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