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Welcome to the new world of business


Where the wealth is being redistributed to the ones who hold a vision for change

Massive impact on humanity with their voice

And the best part is all you need is your phone

We no longer need to submit to the old ways of “earning a living” and "making income"

Out sourcing our power by working for someone else

Building someone else's dream...

You’ve been trying to do thing by yourself
You’ve been blaming the algorithm 
It’s not working 
It’s not giving you the results you want
It’s time to do the inner work

No business strategy, hack, podcast, or book is going to help you clear the wounds, fears, doubts. Building massive wealth is not something that happens overnight. It’s about showing up for your health, managing time, consistency, community, and having an aligned strategy that is connected to your dharma soul life's purpose

You don’t need to be working 2 jobs.

You don't need 8 hours a day on social media or mindless scrolling.

You don’t need to be posting 3 times a day.

You don't need to have a business degree.


You just need commitment, hunger, willingness, and devotion — I show you how to do the rest

You might be scared of stepping into your power because you know what you’re fully capable of... trust me, I know that feeling


Let it FUEL you

Let me guess

You dim your light in fear of being “too much” 

You’re so much of a perfectionist it blocks you from getting things done 

You fear success, making a ton of money, and loosing people in the process

What other people think worries you which stops you from fully putting yourself out there

You're stuck in people pleasing and being the "nice girl"

Or you don't even fully have clarity on your life's purpose

AND you’re also committed to breaking generational cycles of scarcity, activating your full potential, using your voice to positively impact lives and leave a legacy, and surrendering to the unknown

There are women who are ready to own their desires, alchemize their pain into passion, and not rely on anyone else to finance their life 

She knows she’s meant for so much more. 
She knows she doesn’t have to be feeling burnt out every Friday or hustling her life away.
She knows her health is the #1 priority in life. 
She knows she’s worthy of the big expansive life she dreams of.

She chooses to be the vibrational match and magnet to WEALTH every day

She chooses to shine her light so bright every time she walks into a room, knowing she’s meant to be seen + heard 

She’s a leader. 
A revolutionist. 
A walking piece of art. 
She shows UP unapologetically. 

She's a conscious creator. 

If you desire to CLAIM this sacred wild part of you
That yearns to be seen, heard, & felt —

I invite you to work beside me on a 3 month expansive journey where I teach you how to activate your voice, to lead a heart led business, and alchemize your pain 👉🏻 passion 👉🏻 profit

It starts with YOU


Calling all healers, facilitators, coaches, medicine women, yoga instructors, herbalists, digital nomads, photographers, and world travelers who know they are here to build a legacy and change

the world through their voice, passions, and gifts

The hustle culture approach to business is not in service to the feminine. Our bodies are burned out, our relationships suffer, and we find ourselves questioning… is this really how business works?

No, it isn’t

And we are a part of that change - the conscious creators of a new earth

If you’ve been craving a new way to approach your life and business that revolves around devotion, service, and heart centered leadership, whilst never sacrificing your feminine energy, then the Sacred Souls Collective is for you.


Do you feel like you’re drowning in responsibility, overwhelmed, and don’t have all the time you desire to fully take care of yourself?


Is 1:1 coaching burning you out and you desire to put your energy in other places?

This is for you if


You feel unfulfilled by your work. Maybe you’re working a corporate 9-5 desk job and it’s paying you enough but you desire to feel more fulfilled… or maybe you’re frustrated in a job that doesn’t feel like it’s feeding your soul’s purpose


You’ve always wanted to travel the world and take that side hustle or passion project full time but you have self doubts that get in the way or you don’t have the resources/connections

Theres a deeper knowing that you have untapped potential. Your soul came here for more than what you are currently allowing yourself to receive. Maybe you're a 1st generation and you've grown up watching your parents live paycheck to paycheck which now has put your nervous system at edge and you're always worrying about money. It's time to become financially independent and tap fully into your creativity

You’re ready to leave behind the self sabotaging behaviors and scarcity mindset that’s keeping you small and expand your wealth consciousness

You catch yourself mindlessly scrolling and comparing yourself to others, staying up late at night, caught up in self limiting beliefs of not feeling good enough, procrastinating, and perfectionism

You have a deep desire for a likeminded community of self starters that share the same morals, values, and visions of your biggest dreams


I created this community of likeminded new earth leader entrepreneurs with YOU in mind: ​

  • The yoga instructor teaching 10 classes a week and working another job who wants to looking to create multiple streams of income and expand her wealth

  • The newbie coach who quickly realized that 1:1 clients are exhausting (and not sustainable) ​

  • The aspiring online business owner who has already tried so many things (affiliate products, ebooks, and coaching programs) and isn’t sure if she can handle another “failed attempt” ​

  • The stressed out entrepreneur who is desperate to go full-time in her business, but feels lost with how to replace her "secure" 9-5 income ​

  • The creative spiritual college student who wants to find their souls purpose and travel the world making a positive impact​

How different would your life be if you let go of the need to be perfect, embodied radical confidence, and celebrated the progress instead?

Listen, there are 2 types of women:

1. She works hard to make money & wonders why she can’t work less and make more. this vicious cycle never stops & feels exhausted, burnt out, unfulfilled, frustrated, & not good enough. she uber eats, spends her weekends partying/disassociating, working 2-3 jobs, teaching 10 classes a week, burnt out on coffee, surrounds herself with people who don't practice embodying a healthy lifestyle, and/or disconnected from her cycle 🩸

2. She works whenever she feels inspired or creative. whenever she is showing up for an exchange for money her energy is potent & powerful. she puts her health first. she has free time & fills it with travel, play, dance, laughter, nourishing food, nature, orgasms, and good company. all while watching her bank accounts increase every day

This is the difference. 

Between a woman who chooses to stay in her comfort zone,

people please, old programming, fear of success + judgement..

And the woman who’s hungry, willing, committed, consistent, compassionate, sacred, tapped into her divine feminine, fearless, and applying her gifts/potentially FULLY❤️‍🔥

Women trying to build intergenerational wealth for their children & generations after us (like myself) are here to break those toxic mental ancestral cycles 🔥 they don’t serve you anymore and it’s time to rewrite your story

If the vision is IN you its FOR you

So guess what

You can handle everything it brings

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